Entries by NTPR Centre

An essential section for Intern

I have been a part of NTPR, as a Psychology Intern for a few months now. A Reputed Institution. These few months have been nothing but a journey of incredible learning and everyday experience. The courses which are provided are brilliant, thorough, and knowledgeable. Opting for two courses at a time complement each other and […]

Leadership November 2019

What it takes to be a Leader? We have been familiar with this word “leader” from our childhood. Implementing this term in our personal as well as Professional life is way beyond our imagination, isn’t it?… Being a leader, you must be very cautious about the things happening in your team and the surroundings. Let […]

Accounting Cycle

Accounting Cycle is that cycle in which all the business transaction are recorded, classified and summarized. It is also known as Accounting Standards. It is the process of recording all the transaction in following way: Books of original entry: firstly all the business transaction is recorded in the books of original entry, called as Journal. […]

What is Accounting?

Accounting is a process of identifying, recording, measuring, classifying, verifying, summarizing, interpreting and communicating financial information. Accounting is a process to know the financial position of the company, that if ,we are earning Profits or Losses. Accounting consists of all the acts of  counting  and thinking of accountant……. accountant handles accounts where they record all […]

Soft Skills Training

[su_row][su_column size=”1/3″] Module 01 Grammar & Vocabulary Duration:- 95hours Parts of Speech, Idioms, Punctuations Implementation of Grammar in sentence formation Building Vocabulary, Improving Pronunciation [/su_column] [su_column size=”1/3″] Module 02 Communication – Part 1 Barriers of Communication Speaking & Listening Effectively Idioms, Phrases & Proverbs Comprehension & Composition [/su_column] [su_column size=”1/3″] Module 03 Communication – Part […]

What is HTML ?

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML): Is a used to create a Web document or a Web page. Tell  the way in which the document is to be read by the browser. Consist of  tags that you can use to insert graphics ,colors ,font for the various elements on a Web page.


DBMS vs. RDBMS • Relationship among tables is maintained in a RDBMS whereas this not the case DBMS as it is used to manage the database. • DBMS accepts the ‘flat file’ data that means there is no relation among different data whereas RDBMS does not accepts this type of design. • DBMS is used […]